Blog – 4 Column
Indie Labels Are Now Heavily Dependent on Major Label Distribution
You don’t need a fancy report to tell you this. Just look at what’s happened to the so-called ‘indie digital distribution’ space for ample evidence of major label domination. The Orchard now features a massive ownership share by Sony Music, INgrooves Fontana is substantially owned by Universal Music Group, and once-indies like IODA and Iris Distribution have been swallowed […]
The Indie Artist Launch Plan
Indie Artist/Band Career Got your atte ntion? Good. Now obviously there is no ONE path to launching a career as a musical artist, whether you are going the Indie Route or aim to get picked up by a Major Label… But I fear that the overwhelming DIY concepts saturating the already overloaded artist/musician is causing […]
8 Simple Steps to Formatting a Proper Press Release
Here in the Cyber PR® offices, we quite frequently have musicians about to release albums this fall for press release writing services. We no longer write press releases for bands, but wanted to at least give you the basis for how to do so properly, should you still feel the need to release one yourself: […]
Rich Band, Poor Band – Why You Should “Invest” in Pull Marketing
There is a very famous (and powerful) book called “Rich Dad, Poor Dad”, by Robert Kiyosaki. In the book, Kiyosaki explains that “poor parents” will recommend buying your home and “investing” $2,000 a month in your equity, instead of throwing it away on rent. “Rich parents”, on the other hand, would encourage you to find […]
Then vs. Now: The Path to Success for Artists
By George Howard & Jeff Price (follow George on Twitter) (Intro by George Howard) We hear a lot about how it was “better back in the day.” Gauzy nostalgia aside, I assume the “day” being referred to is some analog world (or, at least pre-file sharing world) where people purchased physical goods, and artists—ostensibly, at […]
Why Apple is the Top Smartphone Maker
Nielson is out with some new statistics on the iPhone, pointing out that — as of March 2012 — about 1 in 3 smartphone owners globally are using iPhones. Earlier this year, Nielsen reported that smartphones account for half of all new mobile phone purchases in the U.S. Nielson also said that Apple is also a top destination on the […]