Blog – 4 Column
Jeff Price, Peter Wells, TuneCore Co-Founders, Launch Audiam
Jeff Price and Peter Wells, best known as the co-founders of TuneCore, are launching a new business today called Audiam centered around getting indie music and user-generated content on YouTube properly credited and monetized. Audiam is soft launching outside the U.S. with Price expected to announce it today at the North By Northeast conference in […]
The 3 Most Profitable DIY Revenue Streams & Why Many Artists Succeed at Only One of Them
Independent artists can make more money than ever before. The walls of major label distribution have crumbled, and have been down for a decade. Social networks make promotion to fans easier and cheaper. Add in home recording, crowd-sourced artwork, and other cost cutting maneuvers and DIY musicians can be financially successful. Or so goes […]
Soundrop Collabs With Spotify
Soundrop, a Spotify app that shares a big investor with Spotify, says it alone has the ability to scale listening rooms up so that thousands of people can listen to the same song together at the same time, using a secret sauce called Erlang — a hyper-efficient coding language developed by Ericsson for use on big telecom infrastructures (updated). […]
YouTube Launches Paid Subscriptions
We have all heard the rumors in past weeks, but now the truth has reared its head. YouTube has decided to launch paid subscriptions for select channels. So far, only a handful of channels are available for a small price, but we will see what the future holds. How much does YouTube and its affiliate partners stand to make? Check out more below: The […]
Getting the Money Using Streaming Services with D.A. Wallach
While streaming services have been around for a little over a decade in the Music Industry, they have not gained any real traction drawing listenership until the past few years with the rise and growth of Pandora, Spotify, and Rdio. Like a lot of these newer and developing access points to listening to music, it […]
Kobalt Launches New Portal, Unlocks User-Generated YouTube Royalties
Kobalt has added to its bet on greater transparency with the launch of a new interactive client portal where clients can view the usage data and royalties earned on YouTube user-generated videos. The music publisher expects this technology, and the deals it has in place with digital service providers, to “significantly” increase its clients’ royalties […]